Secure Payment



Insurance Electronic Commerce System PRESENCIA HILATURAS, S.L. is based on the virtual TPV (SIS) Redsys.

The virtual TPV (SIS) is a device fully prepared to work safely within the operational sales over the Internet, that means:


A. The POS attempts to contact the card issuing bank to request cardholder authentication (verification of identity). This way you can ensure that only genuine holder, owner of the card can operate with it.

B.- Implements SSL in all communications that prevent the interception of information by third parties. Therefore, confidentiality is assured in all communications established during the transaction.

C.- Also enables mechanisms to verify the authenticity of the origin of transactions. This prevents data manipulation by third parties and ensures the integrity of the transaction.

D. Confidential information cards is not known PRESENCIA HILATURAS, S.L. This avoids that this information can be stolen by third parties to trade later for fraudulent purposes. The best way to safeguard commercially sensitive customer information is NOT having it. The card information is conveniently stored by Redsys, if necessary reused, for example, in a return.
Therefore, all transactions made through the Virtual TPV will have all the guarantees of security, confidentiality and integrity for the actors involved: their cardholders and issuers, and merchants and their acquirers.


You can pay with Paypal your purchases. When paying through Paypal, the customer will be redirected to the secure servers of Paypal, where he will have to identify himself as user and make the payment.